The background and the history of the Delipro, s.r.o.
“The primary purpose and objective of DELIPRO is to better understand requirements of our customers and the latest management practices so that we in turn can provide them with a quality products and services.”
History of the company
- 1993 - Spin off from TESLA Piešťany - the czech-slovak semiconductor producer (dated from 1960’s).
- July 1993 - DELIPRO, s.r.o. had been founded in June 1993 as fully independent company. Utilized the long-term experience of all employees in the field of the production of the semiconductor components and metal parts.
- October 1993 - start-up of the Contract Manufacturing of the ultrasonic delay lines for color TV sets (DElay LInes PROduction).
- May 1995 - DELIPRO passed the Quality Audit however the process of implementation of modern methods continues in the company.
- October 1996 - start-up of the Contract Manufacturing of crystals for Euro-Quarz (Austria) and Tele Quarz (Germany) The volumes, yields, process varieties and specifications variety increased continuously since then...
- October 1998 - DELIPRO- high volume crystal producer passed successfully quality audits of important customers like BOSCH, SIEMENS, DELCO, BECKER, VDO, HELLA, MOTOROLA...
- 1998 - Contract Manufacturing of potentiometers for automotive industry and industrial use with Spectrol, U.K., later Vishay, France
- Assembly and Contract Manufacturing of sensors for automotive industry with Wabash Technologies, U.K. and USA.
- Contract Manufacturing of blancs and crystals for company OAK, USA. - June 1999 - The delay line production finished at Delipro.
- 1999 - Contract Manufacturing of blancs and crystals for Corning , USA.
- March 2000 - Certified for QS9000 of the Quartz Crystals production.
- 2002 - Contract manufacturing of blancs and crystals for Vectron International, Germany.
- January 2005 - full independant company - take over of all blanks & crystals assets
- June 2006 - Company restructured with the goal to concentrate more to the core business - crystals and blanks.
- Finished production of sensors and potentiometers after mutual agreements. - November 2006 - Crystal production certified to ISO 9001:2000 and ISO/TS 16949.
- September 2008 - Starting Contract Manufacturing of oscilators / SMT Technology.
- May 2009 - Starting Contract Manufacturing for Tipper Tie technopack a Dover company.
- October 2018 - Crystal production, blank and oscilator production certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and IATF 16949:2016.
- Electric component and module production certified according to ISO 9001:2015. - September 2021 - Crystal production, blank and oscilator production recertified according to IATF 16949:2016 and ISO 9001:2015.
- Electronic and mechanical component and module production recertified according to ISO 9001:2015.